
Essentials Of Planning

Planning involves selecting mission and objectives and the actions to achieve them; it requires decision making, which is, choosing from the alternatives available the future courses of action.
Plan thus provides a rational approach to achieve preselected objectives.
Planning also strongly implies managerial innovation, even planning and control are inseparable.    

Plan can be defined in few steps like:

  1. Purpose of plan,
  2. Objective of plan,
  3. Strategies for completing plan,
  4. Policies
  5. Procedures
  6. Rules,
  7. Programs
  8. Budgets,

Purpose of plan:

Purpose identifies the basic task of an organization or agency or any part of it.

Objective of plan :

Objectives are the ends towards which the activity is aimed.

Strategies for completing plan:

A strategy is defined as the determination of the basic long term objectives of an enterprise and adoption of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve those goals.

Policies :

Policies are plans in that they are general statements that guide in decision making, policies define   an area within which a decision is to be made and ensure that the decision will be consistent with, and contribute to, an objective. Policies help decide issues before they become problems. 

Procedures :

Procedures are plan that establish a required method of handling future activities.

Rules :

Rules are usually the simplest type of plan. “Do Not Spit” is a rule that allow no deviation from a stated course of action.

Programs are a complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, and task   assignments, step to be taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action; they are usually supported by budgets.  

Budgets :

Budget is a statement of expected result expressed in numerical terms. It can be expressed in financial terms; in terms of labor-hours, unit of products, machine hours; or nay numerically measurable terminology,

 All Managers should take a preliminary look at possible future opportunities and see them clearly and completely , know where they stand in light of their strengths and weakness, understand what problem they wish to solve and why, and know what they expect to gain.

Planning requires a realistic diagnosis of the opportunity situation.  

Thanks !!


Role Of Management & Manager

Management is a true process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in a group, efficiently accomplish selected aims.

Management applies to any type of organization. It applies to managers at all organizational level.
The aim of all managers is to make a surplus for an organization, managing is concerned with productivity which implies effectiveness with efficiency.

All Manage organizations which can be defined as a group of people working together to create a surplus, in business organizations, it is a profit and in non profit organization such as charitable organizations.
Some managers have found that the analysis of management is facilitated by a useful and true organization of knowledge. We can see it in few managerial functions.

  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Staffing
  4. Leading
  5. Controlling.
This has been used for many years; even there are lots of different ways of organizing managerial knowledge.

Managers can not perform their task well unless they have an understanding of, and are responsive to many factors like- Social, political, technological, economical, ethical etc. which effects their area of operation,  

Managers are charged with the responsibility of taking actions that will make it possible for individuals to make their best contributions to group objectives.

There, no basic distinction is made between managers, executives, administration, and supervisors. All managers carry out managerial functions. However, the time spent for each function may differ.
Top level managers spend more time on planning and lower level does organizing then supervisor level does leading.

The difference in time spent on controlling varies only slightly for managers at various levels.
But all of it, you can say that the aim of managers is make a profit for an organization, and profit is really measure of a surplus of money.

For every business company has an important aim to increase long term value of their common stock. In a very real sense, in every organization. whether business or non business, the logical and publicity desirable aim of all managers should be a surplus.

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